Exploit Title: WebsiteGuide V0.2 Using insecure jwt for identity authentication

Date: 2023/11/9

Exploit Author: 5x

Vendor Homepage: https://github.com/mizhexiaoxiao/WebsiteGuide

Software Link: git clone https://github.com/mizhexiaoxiao/WebsiteGuide.git

Version: V0.2

Tested on: linux

Vulnerability Analysis

In WebsiteGuide/settings.py, you can see that no secure jwt parameter is configured

Only the expiration time of JWT is configured for 5 days, and the JWT_SECRET_KEY is not configured, so the signing key for JWT is not explicitly set. In this case, Django REST framework JWT defaults to using Django's SECRET_KEY as the signing key for JWT. And Django's SECRET_KEY is hardcoded in the configuration file and does not use a strong randomly generated string, so anyone can generate new tokens to bypass JWT validation.




In WebsiteGuide/websiteapp/views. Py UserAuthView inside the class, we can see that the user authentication is through the JWT is_superuser parameters to judge whether the administrator privileges

